Loan Purpose
Our private business loans cater to a number of different financing purpose. Our clients use our loans for:
- Working capital (purchase stock, increase sales)
- Expand current business
- Business credit cards
- Equipment acquisition
- Maintenance or upgrade of existing systems or equipment
- R&D or the purchase of IP
- Acquisition of additional business
- Starting up an additional business
- Trade Finance
- Purchase of premises
- Refinancing
- Equity release, reimburse owner’s funds
- ATO liability
- Employee wages & super
- Payout business partner
By Mortgage
First Mortgage
0.60%pm - 0.85%pm
3 – 24 months
- Loan amount $100,000 – $3M
- Up to 75% on residential property sercurity
- Up to 65% LVR on commercial property security
- No credit scoring
- Fast 48 hours approval
- Disbursed in 10 Business Days
- No monthly line fee
- No application fee
- Minimum loan term three months
- Interest Only facility
Second Mortgage
1.5% pm - 2% pm
3 – 12 months
- Loan amount $100,000 – $2M
- Up to 80% on residential property sercurity
- Up to 70% LVR on commercial property sercurity
- No credit scoring
- Fast 48 hours approval
- Disbursed in 10 Business Days
- No monthly line fee
- No application fee
- Minimum three months
- Interest Only facility
Loan Types

Commercial Loans
Want to expand your business but can’t secure a commercial loan from the Bank? If you don’t have financials available but have equity in your property, then we can help. For purchase, refinance and working capital.

Construction Loan
Building a house or a duplex? We can help with a construction loan
Loan Types

Residential Loans
Big banks say no – thankfully, there is another solution for raising capital for business or commercial purposes! Accessing equity in your residential or commercial property via Super Finance puts money in your pocket in no time, allowing you to achieve your dreams sooner rather than later.

Commercial Loans
Want to expand your business but can’t secure a commercial loan? Super Finance gives you access to money that banks can’t. If you don’t have financials available but have equity in your property, then we can help. Purchase, refinance, receive working capital or get a loan for commercial properties and more with private commercial loans.

Development Loans
Don’t have buyers lined up yet? Project running over budget? Insufficient paperwork? Not a problem with Super Finance.